Friday, August 6, 2010

Portraits (Week 11)

To me, This assignment was the hardest. Most of my family is uncooperative when it comes to taking portraits, so, most of my shots were of my nephews and niece. Out of about 200 shots I was only satisfied with about 12. Out of those 12 I picked these three.

I feel that the hardest part of this assignment was the fact that my subjects were uncooperative. The second hardest aspect of this assignment was lighting. And, the third hardest aspect was a combo of too much sugar and not enough sleep.

Some manipulation and cropping was needed.


  1. It is interesting to hear the different stories behind the photographs. I think part of the reason why they are uncooperative is because they know you as being a certain way and now you are being another way, with the camera. I am really psyched to hear that you took so many photos and that only a few came out. Imagine doing that with film, how expensive that would be. Believe me, I've been there.

    Speaking of too much sugar and not enough sleep, that's what the first photo looks like. It looks way she wants to go to sleep but whatever is on the spoon just taste too good to let go. The last photo is excellent as well, it is crisp and clear and really says here I am. But, I really love the first photo, it is outstanding

  2. I agree...the first photo is my favorite. She looks so into whatever she is eating. You captured her emotion in that image. Nice Work!
    You know I have to admit that I have the same problem with taking photos; my subjects are not always cooperative. But, one trick that I learned actually bought was a telescopic lens for my DSLR. I can be just far enough that they do not even know that I am taking their photo. It is so much fun and you can capture unique photos.
