My first series of shots were manipulated with three different techniques. The First shot is the original. In the second shot I used the "Quick Mask" tool for my subject selection. I selected the Cardinal in the shot and manipulated the background, only to find out that was the reverse of what I wanted. So, I went back to the "Quick Mask" tool and selected the background. Once this was done I used the "Desaturation" tool which gave me the grey or Black and White background. The second shot was manipulated by layers. I started with the original layer as well as a duplicate of that layer. After I had the layers on top of each other, I changed the mode to "Screen". From this point I just changed the "Opacity" to change the lighting of the original shot. For my third manipulation, I started with the previous manipulation and created a duplicate layer. Now that I had two of the same layers, I selected one of the layers to manipulate. I started the manipulation by changing the colors by using the "Color Saturation" tool (you can find this under "Color" on the menu bar). I messed around with the many different saturation's, until I got what I wanted. Next, I selected both of the layers, making sure that the color manipulated layer is under the original. At this point the shot looted exactly the way it did before I did and color manipulation. Very carefully I used the "Paint Brush" tool with black paint to paint over the cardinal. This gives me my correct background with a manipulated bird (a pink cardinal).
The second Photo that I have manipulated is that of a blue berry bush. The first is the original. The second shot was manipulated by using the "Quick Mask" tool and selecting the sky. Once I had my selection, I changed the sky color by using the "Color Saturation" tool under the menu bar. The Third shot was manipulated by simply using a filter. When I was playing around with the filters, I thought, "what if I were to select a portion of the photo and try to manipulate that section by using the filter?" I tried it out and it worked great. The whole shot doesn't have to be manipulated by the filter(the sky in my fourth shot). In my final shot I wanted to try and duplicate the previous shot, without the help of filters. So I used the "select by color" tool (found under select on the menu bar). I selected one section at a time manipulating it with the color saturation tool. The shot looks pretty similar to the one that I used the filter.
My last photo was manipulated by using the "Quick Mask" tool. I selected the butterfly first, and changed the color using "Color saturation". Next I went back into the "Quick Mask" and selected just the flower. I changed that to Orange to use Complementary Colors.
I really enjoyed doing this work, I am sorry that I am turning it in late. I had a computer malfunction earlier this week, and I enjoyed everyone's work. Nice Job!